• So the more I work with car dealerships the more common themes appear. At least in the are I live in dealerships are outsourcing the photographing of vehicles. The companies then feed those images to the client. I set out to automate this process as much as possible.

    So currently the photo company uploads all images into a folder on the server named “car-images”. They upload the photos by the VIN number of the vehicle using the following format “VIN_1.JPG”, “VIN_2.JPG”, etc.

    So first I have to find a way for WordPress to pull the first image of the vehicle and set it as the Featured Image.


    Setting the Featured Image Automatically

    First open the /includes/car-demon-template.php file and find the following section of code:
    $this_car .= '<div id="main_thumb"><img onerror="ImgError(this, \'no_photo.gif\');" id="'.$car_title.'_pic" name="'.$car_title.'_pic" class="car_demon_main_photo" width="350px" src="';

    Then insert the following code:

    $key = '_thumbnail_id';
    				$themeta = get_post_meta($post_id, $key, FALSE);
    					if($themeta != '') {
    				$vehicle_vin = rwh(strip_tags(get_post_meta($post_id, "_vin_value", true)),0);
    				$image_url = 'https://www.YOURCARWEBSITE.com/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_1.JPG';
    				$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    				$image_data = file_get_contents($image_url);
    				$filename = basename($image_url);
    					$file = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $filename;
    					$file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
    				file_put_contents($file, $image_data);
    				$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype($filename, null );
    				$attachment = array(
    					'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
    					'post_title' => sanitize_file_name($filename),
    					'post_content' => '',
    					'post_status' => 'inherit'
    				$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file, $post_id );
    				require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
    				$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $file );
    				wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data );
    				set_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $attach_id );
    		//		add_post_meta($post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $attach_id, true);

    Essentially what this is doing is whenever a single-car page is loaded it checks to see if there is a Meta value for Featured Image. If there isn’t one then it looks into the folder where the images are uploaded and finds the correct photo. It then uploads it and sets the proper meta_key values. Once it is set once it is set for good. If the code finds there is already a meta value for Featured Image it moves on and skips the upload.

    Setting Up the Thumbs Automatically
    When I was getting this setup I really struggled to use the default thickbox. So I installed the WP Lightbox 2 plugin. This way I could simply make a list of links and insert a rel code and they function correctly.

    I do warn you that this code is clunky in that I am sure there are much cleaner ways to perform this function and not have to list them out individually. But it is what it is for now…

    In your single-cars_for_sale.php file (I copied mine over to my theme directory) and find the following code:
    <div id="imgbox"></div>

    Above that paste the following code:

    $basePath = get_bloginfo('site_url');
    				$shortPath= parse_url($basePath,PHP_URL_PATH);
    				$serverPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $shortPath ."";
    				$img1 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_1.JPG';
    				$img2 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_2.JPG';
    				$img3 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_3.JPG';
    				$img4 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_4.JPG';
    				$img5 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_5.JPG';
    				$img6 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_6.JPG';
    				$img7 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_7.JPG';
    				$img8 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_8.JPG';
    				$img9 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_9.JPG';
    				$img10 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_10.JPG';
    				$img11 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_11.JPG';
    				$img12 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_12.JPG';
    				$img13 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_13.JPG';
    				$img14 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_14.JPG';
    				$img15 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_15.JPG';
    				$img16 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_16.JPG';
    				$img17 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_17.JPG';
    				$img18 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_18.JPG';
    				$img19 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_19.JPG';
    				$img20 = '/IMAGE_UPLOADS/'.$vehicle_vin.'_20.JPG';
    				$img1a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img1.'';
    				$img2a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img2.'';
    				$img3a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img3.'';
    				$img4a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img4.'';
    				$img5a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img5.'';
    				$img6a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img6.'';
    				$img7a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img7.'';
    				$img8a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img8.'';
    				$img9a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img9.'';
    				$img10a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img10.'';
    				$img11a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img11.'';
    				$img12a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img12.'';
    				$img13a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img13.'';
    				$img14a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img14.'';
    				$img15a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img15.'';
    				$img16a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img16.'';
    				$img17a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img17.'';
    				$img18a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img18.'';
    				$img19a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img19.'';
    				$img20a = '/home/YOURSERVERPATH/public_html'.$img20.'';
    				$img1_link = '<a href="'.$img1.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img1.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img2_link = '<a href="'.$img2.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img2.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img3_link = '<a href="'.$img3.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img3.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img4_link = '<a href="'.$img4.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img4.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img5_link = '<a href="'.$img5.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img5.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img6_link = '<a href="'.$img6.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img6.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img7_link = '<a href="'.$img7.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img7.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img8_link = '<a href="'.$img8.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img8.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img9_link = '<a href="'.$img9.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img9.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img10_link = '<a href="'.$img10.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img10.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img11_link = '<a href="'.$img11.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img11.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img12_link = '<a href="'.$img12.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img12.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img13_link = '<a href="'.$img13.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img13.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img14_link = '<a href="'.$img14.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img14.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img15_link = '<a href="'.$img15.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img15.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img16_link = '<a href="'.$img16.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img16.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img17_link = '<a href="'.$img17.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img17.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img18_link = '<a href="'.$img18.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img18.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img19_link = '<a href="'.$img19.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img19.'" width="62"></a>';
    				$img20_link = '<a href="'.$img20.'" rel="lightbox"><img class="car_demon_thumbs" src="'.$img20.'" width="62"></a>';

    Then find the following code:
    <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-link">' . __( 'Pages:', 'car-demon' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>

    and paste the following after it:

    <div class="customthumbnails">
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img1a)) { print $img1_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img2a)) { print $img2_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img3a)) { print $img3_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img4a)) { print $img4_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img5a)) { print $img5_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img6a)) { print $img6_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img7a)) { print $img7_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img8a)) { print $img8_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img9a)) { print $img9_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img10a)) { print $img10_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img11a)) { print $img11_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img12a)) { print $img12_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img13a)) { print $img13_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img14a)) { print $img14_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img15a)) { print $img15_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img16a)) { print $img16_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img17a)) { print $img17_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img18a)) { print $img18_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img19a)) { print $img19_link; } else { echo "";} ?>
                    <?php  if (file_exists($img20a)) { print $img20_link; } else { echo "";} ?>

    To make things look nice I then added some CSS code to my theme’s style.css

    #car_demon_thumbs { display: none; }
    .car_demon_thumbs { margin-top: 8px; }
    .customthumbnails { margin-left: 5px; }

    So this code is essentially building links from the images contained in the Uploaded Folder. If the files exist it adds each picture as a thumbnail. If it doesn’t exist it leaves that part blank. The CSS code hides the default thumbnail section and adds support for multiple rows of thumbs. I wrote the code to handle up to 20 images per vehicle.

    All of this code isn’t exactly copy/paste and it functions. It will take some editing to make sure you have the correct paths and things to your files. But hopefully this helps someone.


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  • Plugin Author theverylastperson


    I just wanted to say some of your solutions are brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing them.

    Sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to touching base with you, I’ve had my head buried in the keyboard.

    Shoot me an email sometime and I’ll share a few things with you.

    Thread Starter BluePrintAds


    I totally understand as the last 2 weeks I have been buried. I sent you an email. Would love to discuss the plugin with you as there are some features I have put together that I’d hate to see go away.

    My biggest worry right now is you put out a release and my client hits update. YIKES that would be scary to lose everything!

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