Not sure you can add additional help to pages that already have help text (didn’t work for me), but for pages where none exists it should be fine.
add_action( 'admin_head-options.php', 'add_help_to_options' );
function add_help_to_options() {
add_contextual_help( 'options.php', "TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />TEST<br />" );
In this case i’ve given the options.php page some help text. Ordinarily you don’t see this page, so to test the above you’ll need to visit wp-admin/options.php
to see the help text under the help button (after adding the code of course).
Importantly, you just need the page hook name for the page you want to hook onto, in the above example the page hook is options.php, and some other examples would be..
edit.php - post management page
options-general.php - options general page
edit-tags.php - term/tag management page
Again, like i said, i don’t believe you can add help if the given page already has help text, but i’d be happy for someone to prove me wrong on that one.
Quick way to get the hook for the given page in the administration.
function print_admin_hook_to_source() {
global $hook_suffix;
echo "<!-- The hook for the current page is \"";
print_r( $hook_suffix );
echo "\" -->\n";
add_action( 'admin_head', 'print_admin_hook_to_source' );
Which would print the hook name into the source code of each admin page, just view source and look for the line “The hook for the current page is” …
Hope that helps..