• Hello

    Maybe this could be added into core of the plugin, so it supports correct translation of CPT slugs via WPML.

    // WPML - get translated CPT slug
            if ( function_exists( 'icl_translate' ) ) {
                $translated_slug = icl_translate('wpml_custom', 'wpml_custom_'.$post_type, $post_type);
                if ($translated_slug != '') {
                    $menu_item->url = home_url( user_trailingslashit( $translated_slug, 'post_type_archive' ) );


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  • Plugin Contributor Franz Josef Kaiser


    Hi Aldo,

    sorry, but we are not going to add any “plugin support” into this plugin by now. There are 30k+ plugins only in the wp.org repository and plenty more on GitHub. And for each plugin where we add “support”, we increase the time needed for maintenance as we would need to monitor each update of the “supported” plugin. I set supported in quotes as things like this would not be necessary if plugins like WPML, ACF, etc. would simply stick with how core works – which they don’t. When you look at our WCM User Language Switcher plugin, then you will find out that it’s easy to stay in line with how core works with a translation plugin.

    In short: WPML could be written in way that it integrates with core and therefore with each plugin that just sticks to core without introducing “golden cage”-level special functionality. We will not be supporting that, neither now nor in the future.

    The best recommendation I can give you is to switch to Multilingual Press by Inspyde as this plugin sticks with core functionality where ever possible.

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