• It’s easy to add a image just click beside the “Upload/Insert” “Add a Image” But there is a video one too. If I do that all it does it put the word video in my text. I can go the Settings and Media and it’s there. If I click it on it wants me to download it.

    I did get flash video to work in my wordpress with FLV tab plugin named WP-FLV Version 0.2 by Roel Meurders. Works good. But I like to have a start image on the video window and can’t find a way to do that. It be nice for word press to just auto ask to upload the video and auto put the code in like it does with a photo. I guess just have it so it will work with Flash videos. Because there is a lot out there and it my be to hard to get it to work with all them. There is a free converter that can convert about any video to flash any way named Riva FLV Encoder 2.0.

    All so. When it ask to add image you can click on what size. Why not have it so you can click on 2 sizes so the little one will be displayed and the full size one will if you click on the image?

    I all ways add to there code after putting it in for a image this before the start of there text:

    <a href="../wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/image.jpg">

    and at the end of there text </a>

    I edit the date and image name to what it is. So it be easy for them to add in this one. That way would not have to do it by hand and they all ready have it so you can put 4 sizes. Just have it so one will not turn off when you pick 2ND size.

    -Raymond Day

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  • Thread Starter RaymondDay


    I found a way to add a image on top of the video so it will not be just black but the start image of the video. Here is the code after I put some files on my server:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='../video/swfobject.js'></script>
    <div id='mediaspace'>When I got to work Sunday 082309</div>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
      var so = new SWFObject('../video/player.swf','ply','320','240','9','#ffffff');
      so.addVariable('file','../video/uploads/2009/08/When I got to work Sunday 082309.flv');
      so.addVariable('image','../video/uploads/2009/08/When I got to work Sunday 082309.jpg');

    But when I add a 2ND one on some other day post and it all shows on the same HTML page then one video will not show up. It’s like it’s gone. So looks like can put this code 2 times on the same web page.

    Can any one see in the code if something is wrong whey it can’t show 2 diffint videos on the same web page?

    -Raymond Day

    Thread Starter RaymondDay


    Fixed the playing of others. Just have to add like player01 and player01 in the code like this:

    <div id='mediaspace'> to <div id='player01'>

    Same with the so.write('mediaspace');

    So it’s not as easy as adding a photo to WordPress. This code would all so work in just a webpage to play flash video.

    -Raymond Day

    I was able to change the ‘mediaspace’ id on the fly with this.

    function getCustomField()
    	global $post;
    	$video = js_escape(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'video', true));
    	$vid_place = js_escape(wp_get_attachment_url($video));
    		if($video) : ?>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://actual/path/to/swfobject.js'></script>
    <p><div id='<?php echo $video;?>'>This text will be replaced</div></p>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
      var so = new SWFObject('https://actual/path/to/player.swf','ply','470','320','9','#ffffff');
      so.addVariable('file','<?php echo $vid_place;?>');
      so.write('<?php echo $video;?>');
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