Could you please go to your site’s Dashboard -> Plugins -> Installed Plugins -> and send a full screenshot with everything you have installed related to Profile Builder (make sure the plugin version can be seen)?
Could you please go to your site’s Dashboard ->Profile Builder -> Settings -> General Settings -> and send a full screenshot from there (please make sure all the settings from that page can be seen)?
Could you please go to your site’s Dashboard ->Users -> Roles Editor -> and send a full screenshot from there (please make sure all the user roles from that page can be seen)?
The URL you’ve provided is for the Snipboard account profile, which in my case it redirects me to my profile where the Images that I uploaded can be seen (I can’t see any of your images).
Please provide the exact URL for each image. For example when you upload an image to Snipboard, above the image you will be able to copy the URL. That’s the URL we’re interested in. You need to do this step for each image you’ve uploaded to that site.