• Hello,

    When i click the “Add User Moderation Flag” link next to a user all of the users in that topic get flagged. Outside that topic the user doesn’t get flagged.

    i think as the name says the user should get flagged for moderation for everything he writes not all users in the topic. Is this a bug or do I misunderstand the purpose of this link?

    The first screenshot shows the link that I click in order to flag a user for moderation:
    The second screenshot shows what happens after I clicked the link. All users of the topic are getting flagged for moderation:

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter maxlevel


    I have seen that on the plugin page under features it says:
    + Flag individual users for moderation

    So this should be possible. is this the link “add user moderation flag” below the user image (https://snag.gy/2cXHkz.jpg) or is this set in another way?

    Plugin Author Digital Arm


    Yes that is the correct option.

    I have just tested this on a clean install with just bbPress and it seems to be working as expected. It does sound like a bug but I’m not sure what could be causing it.

    Have you tried disabling some other bbPress plugins to see if something could be causing a conflict?

    Thread Starter maxlevel


    After 5 hours tinkering I think I found the problem:

    The “Add user Moderation Flag” option does not work when I set “Reply Threading” to “Enable threaded (nested) replies 2 or more levels deep”.

    Without that checked everything works as expected.

    “Reply Threading” is an option in the Settings>Forums menu

    Thread Starter maxlevel


    I also tried that on a fresh install as well as on my site with all plugins turned off and standard WP Theme.

    Plugin Author Digital Arm


    Thanks for getting to the bottom of this! I’ve logged an issue so we can address this in a fututre update.

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