• Resolved spaciousmind


    (((Hi, I read the pinned post about how to get support for the Lite version of the plugin but I think it’s outdated as the link for lite support just brings me back here. So I’ll post this hoping someone at MI will see it.)))

    Anyway, in the event advice is given here, we are using Termageddon + Usercentrics and their support asked us if we could add type=”text/javascript” to our Google Analytics code, saying:

    “within your Google Analytics embed code, just after “<script “, can you add the following: type=”text/javascript”? This will help ensure that particular script is more automatically controlled by Usercentrics”

    Is there any way to do this, or if not, can that be added for a future release?

    Thanks for any assistance.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author chriscct7


    We can definitely look at that for a future release, however in the meantime, if you need to force text/javascript you can do so using our filter on the default attributes. We would recommend running this on your site using a snippet plugin like WPCode:

    function ensure_script_type_attribute( $attributes ) {
    $attributes[‘type’] = ‘text/javascript’;
    return $attributes;
    add_filter( ‘monsterinsights_tracking_analytics_script_attributes’, ‘ensure_script_type_attribute’ );

    Thread Starter spaciousmind


    Hi Chris thanks for the quick response. We are using a plugin that allows for creation of snippets that you then add as a shortcode. I could create that snippet but then what would I do with it exactly/where would I add it?


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