Hi Zoltan,
Your current theme hi-jacking add to wishlist button event.
You can point the theme author to this function that has some hardcoded conditions with potential issues not with only our plugin:
$("a").on(_eventtype, function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("js-menu-dropdown") || $this.hasClass("comment-reply-link") || "cancel-comment-reply-link" == $this.attr("id"))
return e.preventDefault(),
var currentUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname
, href = $this.attr("href") + "";
return !!("tab" == $this.data("toggle") || "collapse" == $this.data("toggle") || $this.data("slide") || $this.hasClass("tg-media-button") || $this.data("val") || $this.hasClass("js--no-load")) || (void 0 === $this.attr("href") || 0 === href.indexOf("#") || 0 === href.indexOf("tel:") || 0 === href.indexOf("callto:") || 0 === href.indexOf("mailto:") || 0 === href.replace(currentUrl, "").indexOf("#") || href == window.location.href || "_blank" == $this.attr("target") || $this.parent().hasClass("menu-item-has-children") || $this.is(".js--no-load, .icon-info, .overlay, .dropdown-toggle, .js--social-share, .carousel-control, .tg-media-button, .fancybox, .ideo-lightbox") || $this.attr("class") && -1 !== $this.attr("class").indexOf("bwg_lightbox") ? (e.stopPropagation(),
!0) : 2 == e.which ? (window.open(href),
!1) : $.doLinking.call(this, e, href))
Yes, you can use our plugin with a “catalog mode”.
Kind regards,