• Hi, thank you for your work in the plugin. I have installed but Add to homescreen banner is not showing. I tried in normal mode and on element click and still not working. I tried to add to homescreen from Android Chrome. Notifications are enabled for Chrome app in my phone.

    Thank you
    David Alonzo

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Same issue here. Running WP 5.2.2.

    The most important feature, prompting to install, doesn’t work for me on multiple cell phones all with Android 8.1 or Android 9. It works with plugin “Super Progressive Web Apps” but not with this one or with “PWA”.

    Setting Show “add to homescreen” banner to On element click works wonderfully! This is the method I would recommend as it keeps the install process in the control of the user. I would recommend adding a little instruction on what to put and where to use this feature, which to me make this plugin the best out there.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Dr. Flow.

    Same issue here. SuperPWA work without issue. But this plugin, Normal Mode and Click Element Mode, tried many times, change Class to ID, clear history and cache. Nothing works.

    Too bad. Hope it actually work.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Mark Zeng.

    Here’s what I did and got it to work.

    1.) In the settings set the jQuery selector to an id, something like

    2.) Example: <button id="pwa-install" style="font-size: 2rem;">Install this as a PWA</button>

    3.) Clear your cache for the site and also on your phone.

    PS I also found out you can have the PWA link on a different page than what the app homepage is. Very useful for users being able to install the PWA yet not returning to the same prompt when they execute the app.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Dr. Flow.

    @wtsadmin Hi, I did try your recommendation before making my first post. It didn’t work. As what you’ve mentioned. I really like this feature that I can have Call-to-Action style button to get users to install the PWA.

    Tried many times, clear cache, just not work.

    Plugin Author Nico Martin


    Hi everyone,

    @davidalonzo, I tried your site and it works perfectly.

    Please note that Chrome won’t show the banner too often. For example if you diesmissed the banner once Chrome will never show it again (you’d need to delete all data about that website in chrome).

    @wtsadmin, that’s exaclty how I was hoping someone would use this feature!

    @lesliechw, could you add a link to your site so I can have a look?

    Kind regards,

    Now that you mention it Nico, allow me to further delineate what I consider to be a good implementation of How to Allow Users to Install Your Webpage as a PWA. If it’s okay I’ll start a new thread, and feel free to include the explanation in the plugin instructions for the benefit of all. ?Arriba PWA!


    Hello. I am trying your plugin for some time, toghether with Onesignal notifications,
    I have a problem making it work. I keep tweaking and cleaning up cache but it doesnt show the “instal app notification” or the Bell nor in Firefox or Chrome in different versions like Brave, Torch or Opera.
    I tried on click trigger with the above code but nothing happens either.
    I’m allowing REST api in CERBER plugin and disabled W3 Total Cache at times to see but no difference.


    Thanks for your help.

    Where i have to write this code?? i can not see the “add to home screen” button… i don’t know why..

    <button id=”pwa-install” style=”font-size: 2rem;”>Install this as a PWA</button>

    I miraculously fixed this in about a 20 hour scavanger hunt, the fix wasnt too crazy but takes some time for all the caches to work themselves out.

    There a plugin called simply “PWA” that installs the core service workers in the wordpress system and regsiters them correctly, this seemed to be the missing piece to have the system work correctly! Horah!

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