Add to group in MailerLite doesn’t work
The integration of Mailerlite works well, only the subscribers are not being added to the selected group. I am using the latest version of plugin, WordPress etc.
Make sure double opt-in option is disabled for the group(s) and check also app and debug logs in plugin (see “App log” and “Debug log” on “CF7 Connector” settings page).
Double opt in is not active.
I do get an error.[2023-02-15 15:10:43] cf7connector_system.ERROR: “Become a member” [348]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {“email”:”[email protected]”,”name”:”ined”,”lists”:{“80188066220738430”:{“id”:”80188066220738430″,”fields”:{“name”:”ine”,”last_name”:”d”,”institution_affiliation”:”testerdetest”,”seniority”:””,”area_of_interest”:””,”bio”:””,”link_to_website”:””,”twitter”:””,”favorite_paper”:””}}}} []
[2023-02-15 15:13:21] cf7connector_system.ERROR: “Become a member” [348]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {“email”:”[email protected]”,”name”:”ine”,”lists”:{“80188066220738430”:{“id”:”80188066220738430″,”fields”:{“name”:”ine”,”last_name”:”d”,”institution_affiliation”:”dslfksdkf,l”,”seniority”:”test”,”area_of_interest”:””,”bio”:”dfgdfg”,”link_to_website”:””,”twitter”:””,”favorite_paper”:””}}}} []I changed the API code upon request of the mailelite people, but didn’t change much.
they said the API is working well, and connecting, but there could be some coding error in the ‘group’ add feature.-
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
The error occurs on MailerLite side (it returns 422 HTTP error with “Unprocessable entity” message). This errors occurs when MailerLite can’t validate data for some reason. Unfortunately response doesn’t contain details what exactly wrong. Could you contact MailerLite support so they provide more details for your MailerLite account?
‘422 error means it was a validation error when sending requests to API endpoints.
It may happen due to invalid data provided. You may check our API documentation here:
Since Support cannot provide development help for API requests, the API documentation will be the best way to find errors/solve them.’
The plugin sends data in proper format which is indicated in API documentation. Something wrong happens on MailerLite side, but unfortunately they return a common message without any details what’s wrong with data.
PS: The plugin uses official MailerLite PHP SDK.
But you tested it too, and generally it is working? (I just wonder if I did something wrong, or it doesn’t work at all.)
It works fine for our test account.
Same here. I think it has something to do with new version of Mailerlite because it worked with the old version.
My error is: [2023-02-20 20:57:16] cf7connector_system.ERROR: “form-name” [2679]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {“email”:”[email protected]”,”name”:””,”lists”:{“80661305776670480”:{“id”:”80661305776670480″,”fields”:[]}}} []
Mailerlite response was:
Looks like the plugin wasn’t updated to be compatible with the latest version of MailerLite, you can try contacting them here to see if it’s in their plans to update it soon, or if there’s a workaround for that with their forms.
P.S. I just tried other plugin (AFI) and it works. So it’s most probably on your plugin’s side.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
v. 1.1.16 uses the latest mailerlite/mailerlite-api-v2-php-sdk library 0.3.2 (it is official PHP SDK from MailerLite). You can try it.
Does AFI work with the same settings (the same API key, group and fields)?
just upgraded, did all the changes, rechecked all the API everywhere (actually created a new one)
The data gets through, the extra fields too.
Just doesn’t get added to the list.we get errors on the backend, but it does get through in Mailerlite, just without the list
[2023-02-21 08:48:30] cf7connector_system.ERROR: “Become a member” [348]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {“email”:”ine@xxx”,”name”:”ine”,”lists”:{“80188066220738430”:{“id”:”80188066220738430″,”fields”:{“name”:”ine”,”last_name”:”d”,”institution_affiliation”:”matteine@xxx”,”seniority”:”pdf”,”area_of_interest”:”pdf”,”bio”:”pdf”,”link_to_website”:””,”twitter”:”df”,”favorite_paper”:””}}}} []
[2023-02-21 09:04:50] cf7connector_system.ERROR: “Become a member” [348]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {“email”:”ine@xxx”,”name”:”Ine”,”lists”:{“80188066220738430”:{“id”:”80188066220738430″,”fields”:{“name”:”Ine”,”last_name”:”D”,”institution_affiliation”:”test”,”seniority”:”sddf”,”date_of_phd”:”sdks”,”area_of_interest”:”sdfs”,”bio”:”sdfsdf”}}}} []
[2023-02-21 09:17:17] cf7connector_system.ERROR: “Become a member” [348]: MailerLite subscription is failed: Error: Unprocessable entity {“email”:”pay@xxx”,”name”:”Ine D”,”lists”:{“80188066220738430”:{“id”:”80188066220738430″,”fields”:{“last_name”:”D”,”institution_affiliation”:”ssd”,”seniority”:”dvs”,”date_of_phd”:”sdks”,”area_of_interest”:”sdv”,”bio”:”sdv”,”first_name”:”Ine”,”link_to_website”:””,”twitter”:””,”favorite_paper”:””,”become_a_member”:”I want to become a member”,”receive_the_newsletter”:”I want to receive the monthly newsletter”,”receive_the_digest”:”I want to receive the classifieds by members (bi monthly newsletter, never spam)”}}}} []gstankevicius92 curious about the plugin, can’t find it…
edit found it.-
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Update the plugin to v. 1.2.0 please. It should resolve the problem.
Indeed working now!!!!
Nice work. No more error messages either. -
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
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