Hi guys,
sorry to bother you with the long delay, but we schedule weekly support on wp.org, so could pass some time before first response.
Anyway, I just checked on my local installation.
I tried with BiShop (used on europeexpress.com.hk) and Flatsome theme (gc.job32.org), and everything seems to work fine.
Can you plese check that “Show add to cart” option is enabled?
If yes, can you please do some debug for me? Open wishlist-view.php (may be overwritten by your themes), search for
wc_get_template( 'loop/add-to-cart.php' );
and add
echo 'test';
at the end of the line.
If this string is outputed correctly in wishlist table, then problems lies in woocommerce loop/add-to-cart.php template inclusion; otherwise, there’s some check failing when printing column content.
Let me know, and thanks for your patience
Have a nice day! ??