Yes… it totally makes sense! ??
Ok do you have a “home.php” file in your theme directory ?
If no, make one. You can backup “index.php” and rename it “home.php”, then upload it in your theme directory. Be careful : don’t delete index.php from your theme directory. You could still need “index.php” for other purpose…
Now that you have these two files, open home.php in a decent text editor.
Find the start of the loop, you’re looking for that :
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
So, before the loop, write the title you want for your page… You’ll probably want to imbed it in some styling… Here, I put it in a h2 heading…
<h2>Recent news</h2>
You can of course style it as you wish, in a div called “page_title” or anything you like… But you have the principle…
Now, WordPress will use “home.php” to display your home page and the title will be displayed before the posts, i.e. the loop…