There is no visual setting out-of-the-box at this time to do that (that feature is under development), but you can use WooCommerce hooks to accomplish that:
– Cart hooks: https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-visual-hook-guide-cart-page/
– Checkout hooks: https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-visual-hook-guide-checkout-page/
As you can see in those pages, all hooks are prefixed by woocommerce_.
Simply choose where you want to display timer and add this code to your theme child functions.php or use Code Snippets plugin:
The code below will display timer on top of checkout page by using the hook woocommerce_before_checkout_form
add_action('woocommerce_before_checkout_form', function(){
echo do_shortcode(['hurrytimer id="12345"]');
Note: make sure you change 12345 with your campaign ID.
I hope this helps.