• A missing feature is to be able to style inline equations differently than block or stand alone equations. in the following code, I allow for a “isblock’ flag, which adds an additional class tag: “latex_block”.

    // [latex size=0 color=000000 background=ffffff isblock=true]\LaTeX[/latex]
    // Shortcode -> <img> markup. Creates images as necessary.
    function shortcode( $_atts, $latex ) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘size’ => 0,
    ‘color’ => false,
    ‘background’ => false,
    ‘isblock’ => false,
    ), $_atts );

    $latex = preg_replace( array( ‘#<br\s*/?>#i’, ‘#</?p>#i’ ), ‘ ‘, $latex );

    $latex = str_replace(
    array( ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘"’, ‘“’, ‘”’, ‘'’, ‘᾽’, ‘᾿’, ‘’’, ‘&’, ‘&’, “\n”, “\r”, “\xa0”, ‘–’ ),
    array( ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘”‘, ‘‘, “””, “‘”, “‘”, “‘”, “‘”, ‘&’, ‘&’, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘, ‘-‘ ),

    $latex_object = $this->latex( $latex, $atts[‘background’], $atts[‘color’], $atts[‘size’] );

    $url = esc_url( $latex_object->url );
    $alt = esc_attr( is_wp_error($latex_object->error) ? $latex_object->error->get_error_message() . “: $latex_object->latex” : $latex_object->latex );
    // added by tim
    $classString = $atts[‘isblock’] ? “latex latex_block” : “latex”;

    return “<img src=’$url’ alt=’$alt’ title=’$alt’ class=’$classString’ />”;

    Then you can add css such as this:

    img.latex_block {
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-bottom: 30px;

    Pleas consider adding this. Thanks!


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  • Thanks for this modification! This was exactly what I was looking for.

    Additionally, I inserted the following right before returning from the function inline_to_shortcode_callback in wp-latex.php to make it work for the inline $latex ...$ way by adding &b (without value):

    if ( preg_match( '/.+((?:&|&)b(?:&|&|\s|$)).*/i', $matches[2], $b_matches ) ) {
      $r .= ' isblock=true';
      $matches[2] = str_replace( $b_matches[1], '', $matches[2] );

    Note that the ampersands above get messed up, it should be #038; and amp;, each time with an ampersand preceding them.

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