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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    As you use a commercial theme/plugin and need support, please use their official support channel. We feel they are best equipped to support their products.

    Commercial products are not supported in these forums. You are their customer; I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.

    I’m confused…not the first time ??

    Why is this question not simply answerable with an example of proper HTML and Custom CSS that anyone could use to add such content to a WordPress website?

    Why does this question have anything to do with a theme?

    Once I understand that, I would be more than willing to show both and a running example.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @mcmotorhead, everything is possible, depending on how badly you want it. ??

    @swansonphotos, I suspect that there may be a theme-related way to do it, so that’s the first place to check. If there’s not, then it’s time to start working on HTML and CSS.

    Thread Starter mcmotorhead


    Hi, I am using the themify basic theme. And i can’t find a way how to do in within the theme.

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