• Resolved TrishaM


    Hi again John,

    Back with another request! Can you tell me if it’s possible for me to add something to my functions.php file that would *extend* your CPT registration to add support for thumbnails (featured images)?

    Once again I hacked your plugin to add this, and modified my Theme’s single-faq.php file to place the featured image where I want it, but I’d like to not have to modify your plugin if possible.

    If I can’t extend a plugin’s CPT registration, then would you consider adding this to your next update?

    Many thanks!

    MODIFIED my original question: How can I also add the thumbnail to the auto-generated (by the shortcode) output on my FAQ’s page? I can see which file is used (/includes/class-arconix-faq.php) but modifying the sections for the accordion output and toggle output is a bit over my head.


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  • Plugin Author John Gardner


    To add thumbnail support to the plugin, put this in your functions.php:

    add_action( 'init', 'arconix_faq_supports' );
    function arconix_faq_supports() {
        add_post_type_support( 'faq', 'thumbnail' );

    To add thumbnail support to the shortcode, you’d need to add a filter to either the accordion or the toggle (or both), depending on which output you were looking to use. Using the filters I’ve provided in the plugin gives you complete control over the what is output. You can simply copy/paste what’s in my existing functions (minus the “return to top”) and the plugin will behave exactly the same as it does now. You can then add in the code for the featured image wherever you’d like it to go.

    add_filter( 'arconix_faq_toggle_output', 'my_faq_toggle' );
    function my_faq_toggle( $return ) {
    // enter the code here

    Does that make sense?

    Thread Starter TrishaM


    Hi John – thanks so much!!

    Yes I definitely understand the first part, adding the post_type support for thumbnails, I will unhack your plugin and put that in my functions.php. ??

    On the second part, adding the thumbnail to the shortcode, I *think* I understand what you’re saying…..but clearly I’m still missing something.

    I’m using the accordion style output (but eventually I’ll modify my functions.php to filter both styles, in case we ever change to toggle).

    SO I grabbed this code from class-arconix-faq.php (this is from the accordion_output function):

    $return = '';
            // Set up our anchor link
            $link = 'faq-' . sanitize_html_class( get_the_title() );
            $return .= '<div id="faq-' . get_the_id() . '" class="arconix-faq-accordion-title ' . get_the_title() . '">';
            $return .= get_the_title() . '</div>';
            $return .= '<div id="' . $link . '" class="arconix-faq-accordion-content">' . apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );
            $return .= $this->return_to_top( $link );
            $return .= '</div>';

    Next, I added the filter wrap and modified the $return variables, like so:

    add_filter( 'arconix_faq_accordion_output', 'my_faq_accordion' );
    function my_faq_accordion( $return ) {
           $return = '';
          // Set up our anchor link
           $link = 'faq-' . sanitize_html_class( get_the_title() );
           $return .= '<div id="faq-' . get_the_id() . '" class="arconix-faq-accordion-title ' . get_the_title() . '">';
            $return .= get_the_title() . '</div>';
            $return .= '<div id="' . $link . '" class="arconix-faq-accordion-content">';
            $return .= '<div class="faq-thumb">';
            $return .= the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail') . '</div>';
            $return .= apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ) . '</div>';
            if ( $echo === true )
                echo $return;
                return $return;

    I put that in my functions.php file, but what I got was just the thumbnails first, then below them the normal output…..I need the thumbnails to be contained within the content (answer) DIV, but even though it seems like they should be based on how I modified the output, they are not. I did try changing the function call from my_faq_accordion( $return ) to my_faq_accordion( $echo = false ) but that did not make any difference.

    SO obviously I’ve got something wrong, but can’t see it – can you tell what am I doing wrong?

    Plugin Author John Gardner


    So very close.

    First, I’d remove the $echo check at the bottom of the function as that’s not necessary in the filter… simply return $return; is sufficient.

    Second, where you have the_post_thumbnail(), in this case you should be using get_the_post_thumbnail().

    Thread Starter TrishaM


    Yaay — success!

    I did have to add “global $post” to the function, and changed the attributes for get_the_post_thumbnail to include ($post->ID,’thumbnail’,array( ‘class’ => ‘alignleft’ )) to get it to show up and be styled correctly, but IT’S WORKING!

    Thank you John – I am not only a non-coder, I am a BLONDE non-coder, so I greatly appreciate all help from developers and coders who can teach me to do this right…..this was a great learning experience!

    Plugin Author John Gardner


    Excellent… glad to hear everything worked out for you!

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