• Hi! A client of mine asked me for displaying custom billing fields on the invoice and as far I as looked into the code, there is no filter for it in class-apifw-inovoice.php

    In packing slip, there is this filter: apifw_ps_custom_billing_fields, could you add similar to the invoice?

    I’m the author of Kybernaut I? DI? plugin and this will allow me to make it compatible with your plugin.


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  • Greetings! We have implemented the hook you suggested in our invoice system. To show our appreciation, we will be providing you with a beta version of the updated code via our forum. Thank you for your valuable input, and we look forward to your feedback .

    Thread Starter Karolina Vyskocilova


    Done, waiting for the update.

    P.S. You can distribute beta via www.remarpro.com as well – use Stable tag in readme.txt and than you can ship other versions via tags and download them from download section and than release officially by bumping the current stable tag.

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