• Resolved danny.hafner


    I have a client that wants city or zip code entered to find stores. The zip code works perfectly. However, using just a city will give me poor results on some. For example, Arcadia gives me a place in California…Inverness gives me Scotland…Hudson gives me New York. (All of which produces “No Results Found”) So, I was wondering if there was a way for me to hardcode “, Florida” after all entries so Google understands all of my cities are Florida based?



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  • Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    I’m not aware of a way to tell Google to restrict the locations to a state. You can however define a country on the settings page -> API settings -> Map region. This would prevent Scotland from being returned, but not the other ones.

    You can edit the /js/wpsl-gmap.js file. Search for ‘function codeAddress’, and then look for

    address = $( "#wpsl-search-input" ).val();

    You could check the content of the address var, and see if it contains ‘Florida’. If not then just add it in this format ‘city, state’ before it is sent to the geocoder. It should then for Inverness return this https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Inverness,florida

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