• Resolved Daniel Iser


    This would tie in with some of the other improvements I’m suggesting as well as many other ideas.

    The following is your code with 2 new triggers, before the ajax request( add custom loading icons etc ) and on success ( update statuses on the page to reflect the change ).

    (function ($) {
    	$( '.support-select-status' ).on( 'change', function(){
    		var indiceChose   = $( this )[0].selectedIndex;
    		var bpbbpst_nonce = $( this ).parent().find( '#_wpnonce_bpbbpst_support_status' ).val();
    		$( '.support-select-status' ).each( function() {
    			$( this ).prop( 'disabled', true );
    		} );
    		$( '.support-select-box' ).each( function() {
    			$( this ).append('<a class="loading support-loader"> '+ bpbbpstbbp_vars.loading + '</a>');
    		} );
    		topic_id = $( this ).attr('data-topicsupport');
    		support_status = $( this ).val();
    		$(this).trigger('bpbbpstBeforeStatusChange', [topic_id, support_status]);
    		$.post( ajaxurl, {
    			action:                            'bbp_change_support_status',
    			'topic_id':                        topic_id,
    			'support_status':                  support_status,
    			'_wpnonce_bpbbpst_support_status': bpbbpst_nonce
    		function(response) {
    			if( response != "-1" ) {
    				$( '.support-loader' ).each( function() {
    					$( this ).remove();
    				} );
    				$( '.support-select-status' ).each( function() {
    					$( this ).prop( 'disabled', false );
    					if( indiceChose != $(this)[0].selectedIndex ) {
    						$( this )[0].selectedIndex = indiceChose;
    				$(this).trigger('bpbbpstStatusChangeSuccess', [topic_id, support_status]);
    			} else {
    				alert( bpbbpstbbp_vars.securitycheck );
    		} );
    	} );


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  • Thread Starter Daniel Iser


    Also not a huge issue, but you use $(this) an aweful lot. Each time it is used jQuery has to parse it again. Best is to set a variable and use it each consecutive time. This means it only parses once and is reusable.

    var $this = $(this);


    Thread Starter Daniel Iser


    Here is what I came up with that works. I had to do the var $this as mentioned above as $(this) was refering to the form for the success event.

    (function ($) {
    	$( '.support-select-status' ).on( 'change', function(){
    		var $this = $(this);
    		var indiceChose   = $( this )[0].selectedIndex;
    		var bpbbpst_nonce = $( this ).parent().find( '#_wpnonce_bpbbpst_support_status' ).val();
    		$( '.support-select-status' ).each( function() {
    			$( this ).prop( 'disabled', true );
    		} );
    		$( '.support-select-box' ).each( function() {
    			$( this ).append('<a class="loading support-loader"> '+ bpbbpstbbp_vars.loading + '</a>');
    		} );
    		topic_id = $( this ).attr('data-topicsupport');
    		support_status = $( this ).val();
    		$this.trigger('bpbbpstBeforeStatusChange', [topic_id, support_status]);
    		$.post( ajaxurl, {
    			action:                            'bbp_change_support_status',
    			'topic_id':                        topic_id,
    			'support_status':                  support_status,
    			'_wpnonce_bpbbpst_support_status': bpbbpst_nonce
    		function(response) {
    			if( response != "-1" ) {
    				$( '.support-loader' ).each( function() {
    					$( this ).remove();
    				} );
    				$( '.support-select-status' ).each( function() {
    					$( this ).prop( 'disabled', false );
    					if( indiceChose != $(this)[0].selectedIndex ) {
    						$( this )[0].selectedIndex = indiceChose;
    				$this.trigger('bpbbpstStatusChangeSuccess', [topic_id, support_status]);
    			} else {
    				$(indiceChose).trigger('bpbbpstStatusChangeSuccess', [response]);
    				alert( bpbbpstbbp_vars.securitycheck );
    		} );
    	} );

    There is a lot of room for improvement here. Would be glad to rewrite your JS to be more extendable, as well as JSLint compliant.

    Thread Starter Daniel Iser


    Here is a cleaned up version of your script that is both optimized and JSLinted. I have tested all functionality with a vanilla install and everything is working as it should be.

    (function ($) {
        "use strict";
            .on('change', '.support-select-status', function () {
                var $this = $(this),
                    indiceChose = $this.find('option:selected').index(),
                    bpbbpst_nonce = $this.parent().find('#_wpnonce_bpbbpst_support_status').val(),
                    topic_id = $this.attr('data-topicsupport'),
                    support_status = $this.val();
                $('.support-select-status').prop('disabled', true);
                $('.support-select-box').append('<a class="loading support-loader">' + bpbbpstbbp_vars.loading + '</a>');
                $this.trigger('bpbbpstBeforeStatusChange', [topic_id, support_status]);
                        action:                            'bbp_change_support_status',
                        'topic_id':                        topic_id,
                        'support_status':                  support_status,
                        '_wpnonce_bpbbpst_support_status': bpbbpst_nonce
                    function (response) {
                        if (response !== "-1") {
                            $('.support-select-status').prop('disabled', false).each(function () {
                                if (indiceChose !== $(this)[0].selectedIndex) {
                                    $(this)[0].selectedIndex = indiceChose;
                            $this.trigger('bpbbpstStatusChangeSuccess', [topic_id, support_status]);
                        } else {

    This includes some simplifications and code reductions that were not necessary. It also includes the event triggers I mentioned.



    @danieliser: It is great to have type of people like you in wordpress community.

    I will keep this habit for my next projects

    var $this = $(this);
    Thread Starter Daniel Iser


    @denish – Thanks, I write almost as much JS as PHP. That is a good habbit to have as every time you call $(this) jQuery has to process it and return a usable object. The time/resources it takes up might not seem like a lot, but if you do it enough it can really add up and cause slowdowns and resource over usages.

    Feel free to follow me on twitter for some other tips and WP relevant info. @daniel_iser

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet



    Thanks for your contribution, what about pushing a request on this branch:

    I’m currently working on the plugin and it would be great to include your contribution in next version.

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Nevermind ??

    This will be included in next version see this commit

    Thanks again for your contribution danieliser

    Thread Starter Daniel Iser


    @imath – Awesome. These will really help bbPress be a more effective support system.

    Couple other things you could look at is tagging: IE “@closed” in a text body would close the topic and remove @closed from the text.

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