• Hi. This plugin definitely works for me. Pretty cool!

    I’m having an issue with the way the repeating fields are being added. I use select2.js and it works fine on the initial load of the page. But when I repeat a select box, the select2 doesn’t apply itself.

    I know that this is something on my end and not necessarily an issue with the plugin, but any help would be appreciated.

    This is what is used to initialize the code.

    $('.wpcf7-form select').select2();

    I’m wondering if there is something I need to do to the Add button to get it to apply to all repeated selects.


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  • Plugin Author Naji Amer


    Hi there,

    i added 2 js events to customize the frontend as you like in version (2.0.3)

    Below event triggered once an item is added:

    jQuery(document).on('wpcf7-panel-created', function(event, repeater, html) {
            console.log(jQuery(".wpcf7-repeater-" + repeater.id + " .wpcf7-repeater-item").get(repeater.item - 1));

    Below event trigger once an item is removed

    jQuery(document).on('wpcf7-panel-removed', function(event, repeater) {
            console.log(jQuery(".wpcf7-repeater-" + repeater.id));

    In your case, this should work:

    jQuery(document).on('wpcf7-panel-created', function(event, repeater, html) {
            jQuery(".wpcf7-repeater-" + repeater.id + " .wpcf7-repeater-item").get(repeater.item - 1).find('select').select2();
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