Hi alinford,
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
I don’t think this is a feature that I would include in the core plugin. One of the main aims of my plugin is to keep it as simple to setup as possible, something I feel most other WP sports plugins struggle to do. Part of that means keeping the plugins core settings down to a minimum and resist the temptation to include every possible stat and player detail while having enough features to make everybody happy. Your request seems too specific to the US to make it useful for the majority of users.
That said, fear not!! The plugin can easily be extended and addons will be released which will cater for more specific requirements and add new features etc. Your request could easily be an addon ??
Unfortunately though, I can’t give a timeframe for when the first addons will be available. The plugin is hasn’t been out long so I’m still getting stuff organised and putting the finishing touches to my first theme for the plugin.
Thanks again for your feedback and I’m glad you are making use of the plugin ??