• ciantino



    I tried to add the product category field by editing the plugin. I’ve used the meta key product_cat. This field has been added to settings but doesn’t come out in the csv file.

    this is the code I’ve added to the function.php. am i doing something wrong? can you help?

    function wpg_add_columns($cols) {

    $cols[‘wc_settings_tab_product_cat’] = __(‘Product category’, ‘mytheme’);
    return $cols;
    add_filter(‘wpg_order_columns’, ‘wpg_add_columns’);

    function wpg_add_fields($settings) {

    $settings[‘product_cat’] = array(
    ‘name’ => __( ‘Product category’, ‘woocommerce-simply-order-export’ ),
    ‘type’ => ‘checkbox’,
    ‘desc’ => __( ‘Product category’, ‘woocommerce-simply-order-export’ ),
    ‘id’ => ‘wc_settings_tab_product_cat’

    return $settings;

    add_filter(‘wc_settings_tab_order_export’, ‘wpg_add_fields’);

    function csv_write( &$csv, $od, $fields ) {

    if( !empty( $fields[‘wc_settings_tab_product_cat’] ) && $fields[‘wc_settings_tab_product_cat’] === true ){
    $product_cat = get_post_meta( $od->id, ‘_product_cat_title’, true );
    array_push( $csv, $product_cat );

    add_action(‘wpg_before_csv_write’, ‘csv_write’, 10, 3);

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