@mas6ce- Thanks a lot for the applaud. By default, all the core features are automatically enabled as soon as you activate the plugin. This includes the “Add product” feature too. So, it’s unlikely that the settings are causing an issue, still let’s check that.
Follow the path: Wp-admin>> WooCommerce>> WCMp>> Capabilities>>Uploading Product Data; Make sure that the checkbox for ” Submit Products” is ticked.
Coming to other possible reasons behind the issue. Try to access the wp-admin of the site when you are logged in as vendor simply by https://xyz.com/wp-admin( xyz= your domain name).
Are you able to access it, if not either the theme or one of the plugins in the site is blocking vendors to access the wp-admin. Since product submission module in the free plugin needs wp-admin access( restricted) and the same is not working in your environment, you aren’t able to submit products. So firstly try switching to themes like Twenty Fifteen/Sixteen which come bundled with WordPress. If that doesn’t help, deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp.
These tests are just based on presumptions and experience with other community users, the issue for your site might be due a completely different reason. In case the above doesn’t help, please share the wp-admin access of the site.
Looking forward to your findings.