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  • Sandeep Kumar


    @mas6ce- Thanks a lot for the applaud. By default, all the core features are automatically enabled as soon as you activate the plugin. This includes the “Add product” feature too. So, it’s unlikely that the settings are causing an issue, still let’s check that.

    Follow the path: Wp-admin>> WooCommerce>> WCMp>> Capabilities>>Uploading Product Data; Make sure that the checkbox for ” Submit Products” is ticked.

    Coming to other possible reasons behind the issue. Try to access the wp-admin of the site when you are logged in as vendor simply by xyz= your domain name).

    Are you able to access it, if not either the theme or one of the plugins in the site is blocking vendors to access the wp-admin. Since product submission module in the free plugin needs wp-admin access( restricted) and the same is not working in your environment, you aren’t able to submit products. So firstly try switching to themes like Twenty Fifteen/Sixteen which come bundled with WordPress. If that doesn’t help, deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp.

    These tests are just based on presumptions and experience with other community users, the issue for your site might be due a completely different reason. In case the above doesn’t help, please share the wp-admin access of the site.

    Looking forward to your findings.





    Hello Sandy the plugin WC Marketplace is the Perfect plugin what i need, i just have an issue for an Vendor Area, on Vendor Account, Products area > Add Product but no working, Could you please check what is the reason behind that?

    Where i have to share my Credentials?

    When i clicked to add product Urls redirecting Fine but it appears as a Blank window.

    Thanks please reply

    Sandeep Kumar


    @jahanzaibahmed511- Thanks for the appreciation though I would suggest to post your create your own topic because even if the issue that you are facing is same, the reasons might be completely different. Can you please try the above mentioned steps and let me know the findings.

    In case, it doesn’t works, please reach out via the official site


    Thread Starter mas6ce


    I didn’t have submit products enabled – thank you so much for your help!! ??

    Thread Starter mas6ce


    Oops still not working – so I can see the “product manager” but when I go to add product in admin as a vendor, there is just a blank white screen. It’s completely loaded and I’ve tried refreshing but nothing comes up.

    Sandeep Kumar


    @mas6ce- Can try switching to themes like Twenty Fifteen/Sixteen which come bundled with WordPress. If that doesn’t help, deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and WCMp.

    Let me know if the Add product works when you perform the above test.




    @mas6ce- Just thought to check, if you had time to go through my last message and perform the tests.

    Looking forward to your response.


    Thread Starter mas6ce


    Hi! Thanks for sticking with me! I was put on a different assignment this week but will come back to web development next week (the new assignment is really urgent, so I’ve been pretty consumed by that). I will try your recommendations ASAP. Thank you so much for your help – the quality of support is fantastic ??



    @mas6ce- Take your time, no worries. In case, the shared solution doesn’t help, you can also talk to me one-to-one over the live chat on the official site-

    Best of luck for the new task.


    Thread Starter mas6ce


    Hi Sandeep!

    I just got back to trying to fix this and noticed I had a WooCommerce update (which I definitely did not have a week ago) and that fixed the problem ??

    Thank you so much for the great support!



    @mas6ce- Glad to know that the issue is fixed now. Do reach out if you face any more issues.


    Thread Starter mas6ce


    Just wanted to provide an update – it turns out the woocommerce update did not actually fix the problem – the issue was actually a plugin, WP Bakery Visual Composer – when it is active, “add product” shows up blank. So in testing the site, I just deactivate the plugin before trying to add a product. Then when we launch I’ll deactivate the plugin for good since it’s a plugin to build the site ??



    @mas6ce – Thanks a lot for informing that WP Bakery Visual Composer is conflicting with the WCMp.

    Once will finish with our scheduled work related to WCMp feature enhancement and it’s testing, will test this plugin and would try to fix the confliction issue.


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