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  • Abhishek Ghosh


    As people installs normally with port 22, WordPress or any PHP-MySQL softwares, usually do not have the option. Its easier to troubleshoot it from serverside.



    If you’re being presented with that option, then it’s likely there is a permissions issue that doesn’t affect your site too often, but it causes wordpress to fall back to SFTP.

    Make sure the files are owned by the www user, then you’ll be able to use PHP to upgrade as opposed to php->sftp.

    I agree with jholder. Sounds like a permission issue. Try to chmod the root or wordpress directory and give it more permissions.

    Remember to use the recursive command to affect all files and folders at once.

    chmod -R 775 /var/www/wordpress

    CHange the directory path to match your configuration and distro.

    I don’t know why i assumed you were running Linux.. Sorry.

    You can append your port number to your hostname under your SSH connection information.

    For example:

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