Add Polylang to custom template
Thanks for the VERY GOOD translation plugin you made.
I have buy a custom WP template that was supporting the WMPL, but.. i whant to use
your plugin.I have try to do some codding here but it′s not working…
Here is the code that calls the plugin to frontend… can you please help me ?
Kind Regard′s
if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) { exit; }
global $dfd_native;
if (isset($dfd_native[‘wpml_lang_show’]) && $dfd_native[‘wpml_lang_show’]): ?>
<div class=”lang-sel dfd-wpml-switcher”>
<?phpif(!function_exists(‘dfd_language_selector_flags’)) {
function dfd_language_selector_flags() {
$switcher_html = $flag_html = $active_switcher_html = $active_item = $active_flag = ”;
if (function_exists(‘icl_get_languages’)) {
$languages = icl_get_languages(‘skip_missing=0&orderby=code’);if (!empty($languages)) {
foreach ($languages as $l) {
$li_class = ”;
if(strcmp($l[‘active’], ‘0’) != 0) {
$active_item = $l[‘translated_name’];
$active_flag = $l[‘country_flag_url’];
$li_class = ‘active’;
$active_switcher_html = ‘<span class=”flag” style=”background: transparent url(‘.esc_url($active_flag).’) center center no-repeat;”></span><span>’.esc_html($active_item).'</span>‘;
}$flag_html = ‘<span class=”flag” style=”background: transparent url(‘.$l[‘country_flag_url’].’) center center no-repeat;”></span>’;
$switcher_html .= ‘<li class=”‘.esc_attr($li_class).'”>’;
$switcher_html .= ‘‘;
$switcher_html .= $flag_html;
$switcher_html .= ‘‘;
$switcher_html .= ‘‘;
} ?><?php echo (!empty($active_switcher_html)) ? $active_switcher_html : ”; ?>
<?php echo !empty($switcher_html) ? ‘
- ‘.$switcher_html.’
‘ : ”; ?>
<?php }
<?php elseif (isset($dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]) && $dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]): ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode($dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]); ?>
<?php endif;
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