• Hello,

    Thanks for the VERY GOOD translation plugin you made.

    I have buy a custom WP template that was supporting the WMPL, but.. i whant to use
    your plugin.

    I have try to do some codding here but it′s not working…

    Here is the code that calls the plugin to frontend… can you please help me ?

    Kind Regard′s

    if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) { exit; }
    global $dfd_native;
    if (isset($dfd_native[‘wpml_lang_show’]) && $dfd_native[‘wpml_lang_show’]): ?>
    <div class=”lang-sel dfd-wpml-switcher”>

    if(!function_exists(‘dfd_language_selector_flags’)) {
    function dfd_language_selector_flags() {
    $switcher_html = $flag_html = $active_switcher_html = $active_item = $active_flag = ”;
    if (function_exists(‘icl_get_languages’)) {
    $languages = icl_get_languages(‘skip_missing=0&orderby=code’);

    if (!empty($languages)) {
    foreach ($languages as $l) {
    $li_class = ”;
    if(strcmp($l[‘active’], ‘0’) != 0) {
    $active_item = $l[‘translated_name’];
    $active_flag = $l[‘country_flag_url’];
    $li_class = ‘active’;
    $active_switcher_html = ‘<span class=”flag” style=”background: transparent url(‘.esc_url($active_flag).’) center center no-repeat;”></span><span>’.esc_html($active_item).'</span>‘;

    $flag_html = ‘<span class=”flag” style=”background: transparent url(‘.$l[‘country_flag_url’].’) center center no-repeat;”></span>’;

    $switcher_html .= ‘<li class=”‘.esc_attr($li_class).'”>’;
    $switcher_html .= ‘‘;
    $switcher_html .= $flag_html;
    $switcher_html .= ‘
    $switcher_html .= ‘‘;
    } ?>

    <?php echo (!empty($active_switcher_html)) ? $active_switcher_html : ”; ?>

    <?php echo !empty($switcher_html) ? ‘


    ‘ : ”; ?>

    <?php }

    <?php elseif (isset($dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]) && $dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]): ?>
    <?php echo do_shortcode($dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]); ?>
    <?php endif;

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  • Thread Starter azvm


    if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) { exit; }
    global $dfd_native;
    if (isset($dfd_native[‘wpml_lang_show’]) && $dfd_native[‘wpml_lang_show’]): ?>
    <div class=”lang-sel dfd-wpml-switcher”>

    if(!function_exists(‘dfd_language_selector_flags’)) {
    function dfd_language_selector_flags() {
    $switcher_html = $flag_html = $active_switcher_html = $active_item = $active_flag = ”;
    if (function_exists(‘icl_get_languages’)) {
    $languages = icl_get_languages(‘skip_missing=0&orderby=code’);

    if (!empty($languages)) {
    foreach ($languages as $l) {
    $li_class = ”;
    if(strcmp($l[‘active’], ‘0’) != 0) {
    $active_item = $l[‘translated_name’];
    $active_flag = $l[‘country_flag_url’];
    $li_class = ‘active’;
    $active_switcher_html = ‘<a href=”‘.esc_url($l[‘url’]).'”><span class=”flag” style=”background: transparent url(‘.esc_url($active_flag).’) center center no-repeat;”></span><span>’.esc_html($active_item).'</span></a>’;

    $flag_html = ‘<span class=”flag” style=”background: transparent url(‘.$l[‘country_flag_url’].’) center center no-repeat;”></span>’;

    $switcher_html .= ‘<li class=”‘.esc_attr($li_class).'”>’;
    $switcher_html .= ‘<a href=”‘ . esc_url($l[‘url’]) . ‘”>’;
    $switcher_html .= $flag_html;
    $switcher_html .= ‘</a>’;
    $switcher_html .= ‘</li>’;
    } ?>

    <?php echo (!empty($active_switcher_html)) ? $active_switcher_html : ”; ?>

    <?php echo !empty($switcher_html) ? ‘<ul>’.$switcher_html.'</ul>’ : ”; ?>

    <?php }

    <?php elseif (isset($dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]) && $dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]): ?>
    <?php echo do_shortcode($dfd_native[‘lang_shortcode’]); ?>
    <?php endif;

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