Hello there,
To install the latest updates, Please install the basic plugin as usual, but disable the old add-ons and manually install the updated versions, which you can find in your Advanced Ads account. On the first page, you’ll see blue download boxes for the latest versions.
And if you scroll down a bit, a section labeled “Previous Versions” to download the older versions if you need to roll back. there is also a link for the previous basic plugin.
If you don’t see the “Previous Versions” section, please contact us directly through this form, and we’ll provide you with the necessary ZIP files.
One thing to keep in mind is that Advanced Ads 2.0 and later are incompatible with older add-ons, and Advanced Ads 1.5.4 and earlier cannot be used with the latest add-on versions.
@webnetvalue If you encounter any new issues, please feel free to open a new thread so I can assist with your specific case and address your questions directly. In line with WordPress guidelines, we recommend one thread per user per issue. This approach allows us to provide more targeted support and makes it easier for other users to find relevant discussions on the forum.
Thank you a lot