• Hi i am trying to install wordpress on one of the add-on domains of the main domain. Now i am confused, will i also install it on the main domain as well or is whatever site name I leave in “fantastico => install On= addondomain.com???

    Please help, i do not want to lose the other websites.

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  • Fantastico only looks at the directory, so let’s say if you want to install in the root of the directory you just leave it blank. If you have an addon domain you just specify the path to it relative to your public_html folder like this: /addondomain.com Keep in mind that Fantastico is very very old and can be flaky. Softaculous is much better and less confusing.

    Thread Starter alirj2010


    so if i only choose the addon domain in the first place and leave the directory empty, and it goes ahead and install it in the root, is it gonna effect the main domains??

    Your main domain is the one associated with your hosting account and generally, the files for that site go in the root of the account, which is usually public_html.

    If you want to install another site on your hosting account, WP or otherwise, it goes into it’s own folder off the root. For example, if you want to install WP, create a folder in the root of the account called wordpress and have your hosting account’s auto installer install it there, specifying /wordpress as the location.

    But, before you can use an “Addon Domain”, you actually have to have a domain to use; that is, you have to buy one somewhere. And if you do not buy it through your host and have it associated with your hosting account, then you have to change the nameservers of that domain, where you purchased it, to the nameservers of your hosting account. It can take up to 48 hours for this change to become effective.

    To sum up:
    – if your current “main domain” is myfirstsite.com and you want to add mysecondsite.com to your hosting account, you have to purchase mysecondsite.com from somewhere.

    If, on the other hand, you just want a WP site associated with myfirstsite.com, as a blog, for example, then what you set up is a Sub Domain. For example, blog.myfirstsite.com.

    – create a folder in the root called wordpress or blog or whatever.
    – have the auto installer install WP there (using the previous example)
    – in your cPanel (or whatever your host uses for a control panel) create a new sub domain, name it blog and use the folder created above as it’s document root.
    – you can now use blog.myfirstsite.com to access the site, and of course, blog.myfirstsite.com/wp-admin to get to the WP login.

    If you choose the sub-domain and install into that the root domain will not be affected.

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