For bitacoras.com the share button must have this code:
<a href="https://bitacoras.com/anotaciones/<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img src="https://bitacoras.com/votar/anotacion/imagen/[tipodeboton]/<?php the_permalink() ?>" alt="votar" title="Votar esta anotación en Bitacoras.com" /></a>
Where [tipodeboton] can be big, normal, mini or mini2
The first 3 buttons get a counter, mini2 button doesnt show any counter. Some people complaints that retrieving the button from bitacoras.com slows down the site, so maybe is a good to use a generic button (to install with the plugin). I can find one for you if you want.
For meneame.net:
<a href="https://www.meneame.net/submit.php?url=<?php the_permalink();?>" target="_blank" title="Enviar este artículo a Meneame"><img src="https://u.jimdo.com/www38/o/sa1c23512e426e90b/img/id9bedaca840c0c95/1329845061/std/image.png"></a>
The button image is not very cool, but there are others out there ??