• Resolved ozobo


    Hello everyone,

    i’m developping my custom plugin and i want to add bubble notification.

    When my field called “Option 1” is empty i want to add a bubble on my menu.

    When it’s not empty i want hide the bubble.

    I thinked about use an add_action(admin_menu) hook and then create a function where :

    add_menu_page("My plugin" , printf(__('Plugin %s'), "<span class='update-plugins count-$count' title='Myplugin><span class='update-count'>" . number_format_i18n($count) . "</span></span>"),'manage_options')

    With ?ount receiving if my parameter is empty or not

    But it doesn’t working when the field is not empty.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    You should conditionally set the menu title to one string with the notification or another without. I’m not sure how you would determine your plugin field value, but making up a function as an example, something like

    $option = get_my_plugin_field('option-1');
    if ( $option ) {
      $title = 'Just the Title';
    } else {
      $title = 'Title with notification';
    add_menu_page('My Plugin", $title, 'manage_options', 'my-plugin-menu');

    You can boil that down into a one liner with ternary operators, but it’s much more difficult to read and I’d advise against it. (ternary operators are used in the construct if_true()?'do this':'else this';)

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