The steps necessary to make the child theme in this particular case:
in the wordpress folder /wp-content/themes/
make a new folder called ‘photolistic-child’. Inside that folder, make a file called style.css
Inside that file, put this:
Theme Name: Photolistic Child
Theme URI:
Description: Photolistic is a photography theme that can be used as a portfolio and a blog theme by photographers. It has a clean and minimal design that focuses on the images and it's based on marketing principles that help photographers get more clients.
Author: Buzzrain
Author URI:
Version: 1.3
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txt
Template: photolistic
Tags: photoblogging, white, two-columns, fixed-width, custom-header, custom-background, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, microformats, rtl-language-support, editor-style, custom-menu
opacity: 0.6;
Save this and in the theme selector page on WordPress Admin, there will be a new theme called Photolistic Child, with no screenshot image, activate that. That should solve the transparency issue.
Optionally, you can fine-tune the transparency value by changing 0.6
to whatever you feel right. 1 is non-transparent, 0 is completely transparent (= not visible).