• I created a rotated header images in my theme
    I need to add multiple titles on every header images (2-3 titles)
    For example one H1, one H2 and one H3 on every header image
    What is the best way to add such titles in the header?
    I mean I need to add some controllers (for example Customizer) to allow users to enter different titles for each header image

    Thank you

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  • Moderator t-p


    My suggestion is to ask at your theme’s support.

    Thread Starter DediData


    I am developing this theme, not using

    Moderator bcworkz


    I agree that added customizer options would be your best choice for collecting site-wide data from users. Review the customizer sections in the Theme Handbook for guidance on adding theme options.

    Thread Starter DediData


    I know about using customizer,
    But my question is about the BEST METHOD to add such data by user
    Because the user can add multiple header images and it is hard to add some fixed fields to add multiple titles values for each header image
    I need to allow user to add 3 titles for each header image, So think if he want to add 5 header images and each header image has 3 titles, (5 x 3 = 15 fields)
    Also we can’t force user to have a fixed number of header images
    So what you think about this? What the best method to add such titles?

    Moderator bcworkz


    For UI design, what’s “best” is subject to opinion. One could argue a list of 15+ fields with images at one time on a single page is best, it’s all there in one view for users to see and alter as needed. I personally don’t think that’s a good look, but there is a sort of simplicity to the scheme. I’d look at some sort of modal, accordion or fly-out elements which result from clicking on a list of images. The images themselves being part of an expandable fields scheme where users can add or remove elements as desired.

    There are a number of plugins that collect variable amounts of user input. In a sense, the block editor is an expandable fields UI. You press the ‘+‘ icon, more information is collected, and the data is added to the “list” of blocks in a post. For that matter, adding posts itself is an expandable field scheme. In fact, you could manage the image and title elements as custom post types. One post for each set of titles with their image. Typically customizer options are saved as theme mods, which would also work.

    A customizer specific example of expandable fields is where you add widgets to a sidebar. One can add any number of widgets, they each have their own set of settings.

    IMO, there is not one “best” solution. What’s best depends upon the specific situation. I suggest you examine what other plugins and themes do for a similar situation and use what you like the most as inspiration for your own efforts.

    Thread Starter DediData


    Do you think that is possible to add dynamic number of fields in Customizer based on number of added header images ?
    Because I currently used Customizer header images for such purpose and also this feature is need to be a standard, because I need to publish the theme on WP

    Moderator bcworkz


    I believe so, though I’ve not actually ever done so. I’m pretty confident you can add extra fields based on how many images are saved. I’m less sure how you’d add the extra fields any time the user adds a header image to the default image section. But there ought to be a way.

    Set up some proof of concept code to add fields this way. Do as little as possible just to confirm the concept is valid before doing further work on supporting code that you’d want in order to make a nice, complete UI.

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