Hi cren1985,
I had the same issue. I am not en expert either. I will share you the method that I have found. I have modified the index.php situated in the theme folder of wordpress. Well, don’t do that, you will lose changes when the point theme is updated. So the first thing to do is to create a child theme. Please do a google search, great tutorials exist! In a nutshell you will operate changes to your child theme and for all the rest, wordpress will use the parent theme declarations.
Once you have your child theme folder with the style.css file (that’s basically all you need), go to the point theme folder, copy the index.php and paste it to your child theme folder. That’s where you can add after the <div class="article">
(line 5) these lines :
echo do_shortcode("[metaslider id=113]");
Don’t forget to change the shortcode, and get the right number id for your metaslider.
You can see this on this site (it’s a French site but you can see the integration of the meta slider) :
I hope this can help.