Adding the following code into the directory wp-content/mu-plugins/ activates a must use plugin explained in a bit more detail here .
This plugin changes the default upload url to for multisite and for single site
This default behaviour applies to anything uploaded from anywhere which negates the need to add an enable protection option to the add media modal.
Plugin Name: Custom Upload Dirs
Description: Changes the upload directory to what we would like, instead of what WordPress likes.
Author: Mark
Version: 1.0
Author URI:
add_filter('upload_dir', 'maxi_custom_upload_dir');
* Changes the upload directory to what we would like,
* instead of what WordPress likes.
function maxi_custom_upload_dir($upload) {
$upload['path'] = $upload['basedir'] . '/_mediavault/'.current_time('Y'). '/' .current_time('m');
$upload['url'] = $upload['baseurl'] . '/_mediavault/'.current_time('Y'). '/' .current_time('m');
return $upload;