Add Media button doesn't work 3.5.1
Hi All.
My “Add Media” button does not work. It was working fine for the past weeks. Suddenly, it stopped working.I’ve read the trouble shooting posts, threads, etc.
I’ve also tried to put in define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); into wp-config.php and it doesn’t work.The theme I am currently using is Starkers Naked theme from
The plugins I’m using are:
Advanced Youtube embed plugin
flickr photostream
layerslider wp
nextgen custom fields
nextgen gallery
sk add visual editor buttons
social media mashupI’ve turned them all off and tried and it’s still not working.
I’ve also tried to change themes back to the original twentytwelve theme and no good.Lastly, my plugins that have a “upload image” feature does not work now either.
Again, the Add Media button was working fine. it just spontaneously decided not to work.
Does anyone have a solution? Please help!
Thanks so much!!!
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