You could replace the textarea in the post box with an instance of wp_editor(). That will load TinyMCE on the frontend with whichever features you require.
+1, it should be possible by default to add media in the front end. Why removing useful P2 feature. That the all point of P2 not using the admin.
Good job guys but back to P2 for me.
We might consider adding this in a future version as a filter or something. Houston is not really designed for content-heavy installs though. It’s purpose is to fill the role of an internal twitter feed with team members (etc) posting short status updates rather than hefty posts. So we’ll see..
I’m wondering if anything came of this? I’m not really wanting content-heavy stuff, but as a simple tool for sharing stuff as a team, sometimes sharing an image is very useful. Far less effective if you only share a link to go see the image. Much better if you can just insert it right into the post.