Hi @ehsan14756,
Thanks for posting.
We tried your shortcode.
[content_control][bookly-form staff_member_id=”2″ hide=”staff_members,date,week_days,time_range”][/content_control]
The good news is that we are able to use your nested shortcode combination without any issues.
Can you make sure you’re using your nested shortcode in either of these 2 places:
1) In the Text tab of a classic editor (not the Visual tab)
2) In an HTML Gutenberg block (not a Shortcode or Paragraph block)
Here’s an example of the shortcode inside an HTML block in Gutenberg.
Here’s the result when we restrict to subscriber and editor roles (as an example).
You’ll see an unprotected form above the restricted one. And, we use a custom deny message for the protected version.
Here’s a screen recording of us logged out then logging in as a subscriber to view the Bookly form.
We hope that helps.
Let us know if you need anything else.
Have a great day ??