• I’m trying to add Banners after every load almComplete(), but the problem is that must of the AdServers give a <script> tag and when I do:

            /* <![CDATA[ */
                $.fn.almComplete = function(alm){
                  $('.alm-seo').append('<div class="m-block m-block--grid article"><header class="m-block__header cf"><h6>publicidad<\/h6><\/header><div class="pinnned_wrapper"><div class="m-block__body cf"><figure data-dimensions="300x250" class="lazyload" style="width: 300px;"><script> eplAD4M("970x90_a"); <\/script><\/figure><\/div><\/div>');
            /* ]]> */

    When I clicked LoadMore , the posts aren’t loaded, instead something really odd happened ,
    the page load only :

    <html><head></head><body><div id="eplAdDiv970x90_a"></div></body></html>

    and everything else disappears.

    and Cosole Log gave me: alm-seo.min.js?ver=1.5.2:23 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined.

    Maybe the solution is inside the repeater with php and a $count++ but I don’t know if that can be done .



    I forgot to tell that if I remove :

    <script> eplAD4M("970x90_a"); <\/script>

    from the callback , the Div is printed right after all the post are loaded


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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    I’m not fully following what you are trying to do…. But the one issue may be the script tag in the complete callback.

    I believe you should be using the getScript() function for this.

    Make sense?

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