• Hi, adding special characters wasn’t working (the HTML code was showing, not the special char). Can SlideshowPluginSecurity.php be re-written to allow an extension class in a theme functions file, to change the allowed HTML? Or, any reason NOT to do the following in views/SlideshowPluginSlideshowSlide/frontend_attachment.php?

    Change lines 100 and 101 from
    <?php echo !empty($title) ? '<h2><a ' . $anchorTagAttributes . '>' . $title . '</a></h2>' : ''; ?>

    <?php echo !empty($description) ? '<p><a ' . $anchorTagAttributes . '>' . $description . '</a></p>' : ''; ?>

    <?php echo !empty($title) ? '<h2><a ' . $anchorTagAttributes . '>' . html_entity_decode($title) . '</a></h2>' : ''; ?>

    <?php echo !empty($description) ? '<p><a ' . $anchorTagAttributes . '>' . html_entity_decode($description) . '</a></p>' : ''; ?>



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