• Resolved jimvence


    I’ve had a problem with The Events Calendar page not showing my site’s header and footer, related to the use of a child theme I created for 2024 (twentytwentyfour). To work around this issue, I used the Events->Display->Additional Content features “Add HTML before event content” and “Add HTML after event content“, in which I added HTML to display clickable images. In the input text box, I had HTML code that started with <a> anchor tags, and it worked as designed.

    After the install of version 6.7, I went in to Events->Display->Additional Content to make a change to the “Add HTML to the after event content”. When I pressed SAVE CHANGES, the code in both the “before” and “after” input boxes disappears, and the content is blank.

    Experimenting, I discovered that these input boxes only seem to accept plain text. When an HTML bracket “<” is in the input field, the whole input area gets cleared when SAVE CHANGES is applied. Now I cannot create a click link image on the event page to provide navigation back. I’ve tested the “Add Media” buttons, and the same thing happens — after selecting media, the input area is filled with the proper HTML to display the media, but when you press SAVE CHANGES, that code (and media) disappears.

    If I enter plain text in those areas for Additional Content, the text is saved when I press SAVE CHANGES. It is when the left bracket is included in the input, sometimes the left bracket is removed, other times the entire input area disappears.

    While the core issue is related to the missing header/footer, I’d be happy to see that the “Additional Content” allow me to enter HTML be fixed, as it seems like a code bug more than an issue with my child theme.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support tristan083


    Hi @jimvence ,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This looks like a bug in the latest release of the plugin. We already created an internal bug ticket for this, and I added your case. Thanks for all the details. I will definitely pass it along to our devs.

    I am unable to provide an exact date or time estimate for when this bug will be fixed, but you’ll be notified when there are any updates.

    If you do have other concerns or issues you need help with, please create another thread, as it helps us track different issues.

    Again, thank you for your patience. Hang in there.

    Internal Bug Ticket Reference: TECTRIA-403

    I am having the same issue. Please advise when this is fixed. Thank you!

    Plugin Support tristan083


    Hi @laalpert1 ,

    Thank you for your message.

    I am unable to provide an exact date or time estimate for when this bug will be fixed, but this thread will be updated once more information is available.

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi there,

    We prioritize bugs by taking into consideration the number of users impacted as well as how the bug impacts one’s ability to run an event/sell tickets. I don’t have a specific timeline as to when this issue will be resolved, but trust that our team is aware. Our team communicates updates and bug fixes in our newsletter and via our changelog.

    I’m happy to help if any other questions are coming up around this topic, otherwise I’ll go ahead and close this ticket.

    Thread Starter jimvence


    I received an email from support providing me a workaround for this issue: Adding functions “tribe_events_before_html” and “tribe_events_after_html”

    Here is the “before” code I added to functions.php in my child theme:

    add_filter( ‘tribe_events_before_html’, function ( $content ) {

    $content .= ‘<div>’;

    $content .= ”<a href=”/”><img src=”/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/redd-logo-v3.png” alt=”Redd Logo” style=”max-width: 100%; height: auto;”></a>’

    $content .= ‘</div>’;

    return $content;

    } );

    BTW, this is WordPress 6.* with FSE and block themes.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by jimvence.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by jimvence.


    Plugin Name: Events Config
    Description: Adds a custom HTML section before the events calendar.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Codelyfe.github.io

    // Register a new admin menu for the Events Config settings
    add_action('admin_menu', 'events_config_menu');

    function events_config_menu() {
    add_menu_page('Events Config', 'Events Config', 'manage_options', 'events-config', 'events_config_page', 'dashicons-calendar-alt');

    // Display the Events Config settings page
    function events_config_page() {
    <div class="wrap">
    <h1>Events Config</h1>
    <form method="post" action="options.php">

    // Register and define the settings
    add_action('admin_init', 'events_config_settings');

    function events_config_settings() {
    register_setting('events_config_options', 'events_html');

    add_settings_section('events_config_main', 'Events Config Settings', 'events_config_section_text', 'events-config');

    add_settings_field('events_html', 'Event HTML Content', 'events_html_input', 'events-config', 'events_config_main');

    function events_config_section_text() {
    echo '<p>Enter the custom HTML content for the events section.</p>';

    function events_html_input() {
    $html = get_option('events_html');
    echo '<textarea name="events_html" style="width: 100%; height: 200px;">' . esc_textarea($html) . '</textarea>';

    // Add custom HTML before the events HTML
    add_filter('tribe_events_before_html', 'events_custom_content');

    function events_custom_content($content) {
    $html = get_option('events_html');
    if (!empty($html)) {
    $content .= '<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 50%;">' . $html . '</div><br/><br/>';
    return $content;

    If anyone is looking for a fix. You can use this code. Create a new folder and call it “eventeditor”. Then create a file called “eventconfig101.php”. Place the code above inside the PHP file. Zip the folder and upload the zip as a plugin.

    What does it do? It adds a new menu item “Event Config” for you to add custom HTML to the top of all the event pages.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks ago by codelyfe.
    Plugin Support sammysamp


    Hey there,

    We’re back with some good news!

    In our latest release, we have resolved the issue where Add HTML before event content and Add HTML after event content fields under Events > Settings > Display > Additional Content tab strip out HTML tags

    Please update the plugins to their latest versions to apply that fix to your site.
    As always, we suggest testing updates on a staging site first and having a recent backup, but it should all be smooth sailing.

    See: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/creating-and-using-a-wordpress-staging-site/

    If you have further questions/concerns, please feel free to reach out.

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