• This code if form my plugin wp-comment-toolbox as make a honeypot the acts like a one time code

    public function add_wp_nonce_and_huonoy_pot_field() {

    if (get_option('wpct_enable_spam_protect', 0)) {

    $textarea_name = str_shuffle(base64_encode(wp_generate_uuid4() . uniqid('', true)));

    wp_nonce_field('comment_nonce', 'wpct_comment_nonce');

    // Start the session if it's not already started

    if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {



    // Store the textarea name in the session variable

    $_SESSION['wpct_comment_honeypot_name'] = $textarea_name;

    $textarea_section_name = sanitize_text_field($_SESSION['wpct_comment_honeypot_name']);

    // Output the hidden textarea field

    echo '<p style="display:none">';

    echo '<textarea name="' . esc_attr($textarea_section_name) . '" cols="100" rows="10"></textarea>';

    echo '<label>' . esc_html__('If you are a human, do not fill in this field.', 'wpct') . '</label>';

    echo '</p>';


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