I made a change to the file class-simple-job-board-notification.php to receive additional information from the fields that I created for the application.
See if it helps you:
After the code (+/- line 156)
` if (isset($company_name) && NULL != $company_name):
$message .= $company_name . ”;
I add this code:
// by Leandro Tavares
`$message .= ‘Filled Data:’;
$applicant_post_keys = get_post_custom_keys($post_id);
if (NULL != $applicant_post_keys):
foreach ( $applicant_post_keys as $key ) {
if ($key == ‘resume’) {
$message .= ‘Curriculum: <a href=”‘ . get_post_meta($post_id, $key , TRUE) . ‘”> Link to Download </a>’;
} else {
if ($key != ‘resume_path’) {
$message .= ” .substr($key, 7) . ‘: ‘ . get_post_meta($post_id, $key , TRUE) . ”;