as i explained,
the name for texdomain picked by the plugin is the folder name, like returned by the function get_template()
This name is listed in Languages > Export/Import translations in “Themes” section.
But when the textdomain declared in the template is not the same as the folder’s template, it’s not found.
So i gave you the code to find the right textdomain in this case.
Ex :
folder’s name : marketor2021
Headers in style.css :
Theme Name: Marketor 2021
Theme URI:
Description: Marketor 2021
Author: Marketor INC
Author URI:
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Text Domain: marketor
As you see, the folder’s name is different for the textdomain used.
And so the plugin doesn’t list marketor in Languages > Export/Import translations but only list marketor2021.
So every string in theme files which are
<?php echo esc_html("Test2 esc_html with domain", "marketor"); ?>
will not be listed
<?php echo esc_html("Test2 esc_html with domain", "marketor2021"); ?>
will be