Add date of post to category page?
Is there a way to add the date a post was made to a post category page ([SITE]/category/[CATEGORY SLUG])? I don’t see any pertinent options in the Customizer, but figured I’d ask in case I’m overlooking something.
Basically, we want to be able to see when a post was made when there’s a long list of posts without having to click to go into each individual post (which already lists the date/author for the post, which is fine.
FYI, we only want the date out on the “list of posts” page…no need for the author to go out there. Really, in an ideal world, we could get rid of the author info from the individual post pages as well, so if there’s a related way to do that, let me know.
Doug Thompson
Manager of Web and Electronic Communications
Ohio Wesleyan University
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