Hi @ian-sterne, Custom Taxonomy feature is available in the latest version.
Please use the custom taxonomy tag as mentioned on the Plugins page.
<%ctax_custom_taxonomy%> : A sanitized version of the custom taxonomy where the taxonomy name is custom_taxonomy. Replace the custom_taxonomy with your appropriate created taxonomy name.
If you want to provide the default slug which is used when the category/taxonomy doesn\’t be selected so, make sure to provide default name/slug which looks like this: <%ctax_custom_taxonomy??sales%>. Value which is written between the ?? and %> is used as default slug.
As your custom taxonomy name is “status” so, use this structure in the PostType Settings of Properties.
Or if you want to add default taxonomy in the permalink then use this custom taxonomy tag like this:
Default Value can be separated by ??
in the custom taxonomy tag.
Let me know, if you have any other question.