• Resolved Advex



    i tried to put the addscript.php in the mu-plugin directory, i insert some awesome icons in the html field text editor of the form and i saved the form. Than checking the form’s url the icons are correctly displayed, but if i edit again the form’s html field the html code of the icons disappear.. there is some way to make the html code stay in the html field of the form?


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  • Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @totalfly

    I hope you are doing well today.

    By default <script> tag is not allowed in HTML field due to security reasons. But in this case it seems you use only HTML tags.

    Could you use https://pastebin.com/ and share with us your code you use on HTML field so we could review that and test on our lab site?

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Advex



    actually with your script is working, but just with the condition that after the </i> tag you mus leave a empty space.. if you do not put an empty space the code diasappear.. whatever.. is working now ??

    thanks a lot

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @totalfly

    Thanks for updating us on that and I’m glad it’s working now!

    I’ll mark this ticket as resolved but whenever you got any questions, don’t hesitate to ask and we’ll be happy to assist.

    Best regards,

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