• Please add a “Add Custom Fields” button or feature for the User Profile and Registration information and allow the administrator to determine which fields are required to register. A username and e-mail address doesn’t tell me anything about who my members. We’re trying to use this blog as part of a global community outreach program and it would be a lot easier for us to get funding if we could produce some demographics. I imagine this would be helpful to a number of blog owners.

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  • WPChina


    yes, I need this too! I hope there is currently a way to do this…

    Yes.. please do this… Just give us novices a way to add more fields to the profile pages…

    Anybody know why someone hasn’t made a nice plugin for this yet?

    I have read that many threads on it now and none of them seem to do it well.. usermeta/extra seem to be the closest fit..

    Why is it so difficult to add some extra fields that will allow users to fill data in for, hell if someone just wrote up a how to: add new tables etc to database and where to put them, and the php pages and how to edit them with those new db fields I’d do it.

    Bump – yes, if anyone knows of a thread or plug-in where someone has actually accomplished this, I’d love the redirect.

    I am wanting custom user fields as well.

    Me, too! I need demographics for funding, correlating. I wonder if this plugin couldn’t be pressed into service for this screen?


    Hey all, I’ll need the plugin for a site I’m developing and it shoudn’t be too hard to code. I haven’t had a chance to look at the code DanBollinger linked to, but it should provide some clues for hooking into the profile page.

    Anyway, check back in a day or so and I should have something halfway decent.

    Alright. Good news and some almost good news. The good news is that there are two hooks that I can use to hook into the profile page. The almost good news is that I just about have some code that will be my proof-of-concept. Once that works, I’ll code the real thing.

    I know what I want to add to the user profile page (a User Image), but what else might people be inserting? I only ask so that I can make the plugin as useful as possible.

    Oh, and before I forget, this will work for WP 2.0+ ONLY! The hooks I’m using are only present in 2.0 and above, hopefully that’s not a major hurdle for everyone.

    fergbrain, can you show an example where more than one array is added? I’m getting errors trying to modify your php file to do it.

    also, you mention “You’ll need to manually add the field to your wp_users table.” Do you mean adding a field that matches the inputName used?

    finally, is there a way to use something other than text or textarea to inputType? How would you code up a select menu or checkboxes or radio buttons?

    any insight greatly appreciated!

    fergbrain, I have a newbie question for you, pleae. I put your plugin into the appropriate folder and activated it, but I don’t know what to do next. How do I ‘start’ or ‘run’ the plugin? Will it come up in the dashboard or do I need to refer to it from another page?

    Thanks, Andy

    ferg, i have the same problem in not understaning your explanation…

    I have spent 17 hours searching for a hack to add custom fields to the profile, and, I’ve found some things that looked promising but ultimately didn’t work….

    Am I in the twilight zone? : )

    Userextra and usermeta plugins in combination work very well at providing the functionality you guys seem to require

    You can see it’s use on https://www.teampyranha.com in the author profiles (team members on this site).

    However, i completly agree that it should be part of the standard features of wordpress

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