Hi, ungeruehrt. Thanks for the feedback.
The problem is most likely related to markup in your post (generated by the Custom Field) which isn’t recognized by the plugin. Context:
Our plugin makes use of the Facebook Instant Articles SDK for PHP which contains a Transformer that does all the heavy lifting of converting general markup into valid Instant Articles markup. The way that it knows how to transform source elements into the valid Instant Articles markup is by a set of rules which defines the mapping of how to parse the content of the post/page.
Our plugin contains Rules which have been pre-defined to satisfy the most common WordPress source markup. Your content may contain elements which are not covered by the packaged ruleset.
Fortunately, you can override and/or define your own rules in the Settings page of the plugin under: Plugin Configuration > Publishing Settings > Custom transformer rules.
For more information please see the Selector Rules section of our Quick Start guide.
With this, if you are able to generate your own custom rule, go for it! If not, could you provide some more information, such as:
– What’s the debug output shown in the post edit screen on the Facebook Instant Article box (after clicking the “toggle debug information” link)?
Along with:
– What version of the plugin are you using?
– What version of WordPress are you using?
– What version of PHP are you using (if known)?
Thanks again!