• I’m working with a site which has a CPT named, “Properties” and has it’s own categories, separate from the regular post categories. The Categories for “Properties” are registered and working properly. On the home page for the site, there is a place for the posts to display. The client would like to be able to choose which posts display in that particular listing. To allow this, I’m adding a select list to the Theme Options page that will load in the categories for “Properties”

    array(	"name" => __("Property Category", 'framework'),
    	"desc" => __("The following property category appears on your homepage. Choose which category you would like to display.", 'framework'),
    	"id" => $shortname."_categories",
        "cid" => $wp_ids,
        "type" => "select",
        "options" => $wp_cats,
        "std" => ""),

    What I’m trying to resolve is how to add the categories into the select menu.

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