Hi @prajwaldesai, it’s not a current feature of the plugin but I like the idea. Will add it to the to-do list and try to add in a future plugin update. Thank you for the feedback.
Just to follow up with this, the next version of the plugin adds the “copy to clipboard” plugin for Prism.js. Can be enabled/disabled in the plugin settings. Thanks again @prajwaldesai for the idea.
Thanks @specialk, a copy button will make the plugin even best. Do you know how can we change the font type once we insert any code or text between pre, code </pre </code ?
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by PrajwalDesai.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by PrajwalDesai.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by PrajwalDesai.
Normally when using either Prism.js or Highlight.js, the library provides the font for any highlighted code snippets. To override that, you could use some custom CSS that targets whichever code snippets, etc.