• Hey guys awesome plugin have been using it for years. Just a quick question on conditional tags (I realize this doesn’t really have to do with the plugin functionality itself but thought I would post up anyway).

    Trying to get content (share buttons) to show up beneath post excerpts on posts page:

    It shows up fine on single blog posts, but I can’t figure out conditional for having it appear under post excerpts. Here is what I’ve got:

    if(is_single()) { ?>
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[ssba]'); ?>
    <?php }
    if(is_page( 8 )) { ?>
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[ssba]'); ?>
    <?php }

    I’ve tried multiple variations with is_page and just not having great luck, thought I would post up to see if anyone can give me a hand, thanks!


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